Monday, December 24, 2012

The Impossible

Christmas time is here... Just as it occurs every 365 days.
Funny how that works, being so predictable.

It's when we let the unpredictable take over though, that I have found God moves.

As I was journaling tonight, I found myself wallowing in self-pity. More friends of mine have gotten engaged and married over this Christmas break than I know how to deal with. So, putting on the happy face, I wish the obligatory "Congratulations..." and get it over with, while deep down a little more weight is put on my heart because there is no one for me to say "Yes!" to.

While moping around, I decided to open my Bible. It fell open to Proverbs 16.

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." vs. 3
"When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, he makes even his enemies live at peace with him." vs. 7
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." vs. 9
"Better a patient man than a warrior..." vs 31

So as these verses stuck out to me, I realized that I was taking everything into my own hands. I was relying and hoping on myself,  rather than on God, who ultimately is planning my steps. More and more I come to the realization that my own plans are far inferior to what God has for me, but the more I push mine, the less evident God's become in my life. And the more I want to hurry it along, the less it becomes God's perfect plan for my life.

Next I opened my Bible to Matthew 14. Right in the middle of the numerous miracles Jesus performed. The specific miracles in this passage are Jesus feeing the 5000 and Jesus walking on water.

As I read through them, the word "impossible" kept coming to mind. Because if you think about it, both of these things are quite impossible. Today, I don't think we would be able to break apart 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish to feed 5000 people. Hardly. And as many people have tried to walk on water, not one has succeeded- at least, with their own two feet.
So why would they be highlighted in Scripture?
I realized... It's because God CAN DO the impossible.
Then I realized... (in light of the fact that tomorrow is Christmas) it was impossible for a virgin girl to become pregnant. Yet, THAT is how our Savior came to earth.

So I get caught up in the fact that I am single over this Christmas break, thinking that it's impossible I will ever find "the one," when things like a virgin bearing a child occurred, and a man walked on water, and 5000 men were fed from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, and water was turned to wine, and a blind man was healed?!?

What am I thinking?

As this Christmas comes, I'm challenging myself to feast on the impossible that is made possible with Christ. Instead of focusing on the impossible that I can't make possible on my own. Focusing more on all that Christ HAS done, rather than what he hasn't, or what I think He should do. Examples in my life of the impossible made possible through Jesus are the healing of my sister... the friends I made in TN, even though I moved here senior year... comfort and peace to my family after my grandpa passed away... None of these happened because of anything that I would have or did do. Instead, it was through the power of Jesus Christ.
I challenge you who are reading this to do the same.
After all, without Christ doing the impossible, there would be no reason to celebrate this Christmas.

"In a land far away, time stood still long ago... Woman with child and an inn with no room, born in a manger, for telling a tomb- this is how the story goes. But it's more than a fable, and it's more than a fairytale, and it's more than my mind can conceive... I BELIEVE."