Saturday, August 10, 2013

And the next adventure is to...

Isaiah 6:8-- "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

Holy moly, y'all, I'm going to Africa! Words cannot even begin to express my excitement. But let me start at the beginning...

Seven years ago, a missionary from Ethiopia came to Hamilton Hills and she ate dinner with us one night (she possibly stayed at our house, but I don't quite remember... 7 years is a long time ago.) and began telling us stories of her ministry in Africa. From that day forward, I have wanted nothing more than to go serve those precious people! For 7 years though, God hasn't opened that door. Instead I have gotten the chance to fall in love with Nicaragua and the people there, serve in Believe, minister in NYC and Indianapolis with Chi Alpha, and travel to England with my family! All of those I would not trade one minute of. God has specifically shaped me with those trips to lead me to this day...

For weeks now I had been praying about going back to Nicaragua this year. Last year was amazing. I have made life-long friends and impacts that I want to continue, but I just didn't feel that peace about going and missing a whole week of classes since it will be my last semester at Asbury. Out of the blue, I was on Facebook and saw a post from a friend, who actually has gone to Nicaragua numerous times, that she was taking a trip to Uganda from December 30-January11. Immediately I responded saying I wanted to go, but then I thought nothing more of it. A couple days later, she messaged me and said, "I don't know how serious you are about going to Uganda, but I'd LOVE for you to come!" So I just knew I had to start praying. It seemed like a closed door though because school typically starts around the 5th or 6th of January, and missing the first week of the semester seemed like an even more terrible idea than in the middle of the semester. So I kinda prayed, but figured it wasn't going to happen.... Little did I know that while talking to my mom and a friend of hers, my mom revealed that school wasn't starting until January 13th this year!
Alrighty then... LETS DO THIS THING is pretty much exactly what went through my head. A couple days passed before I really felt a peace and as of Thursday, I signed up to go to Uganda! 
It's amazing how God can open doors even when I didn't have enough trust in Him to do so. I truly did not think it was going to work out and I had resorted to thinking that I was going to go yet another year without going to Africa. Oh-h, but God has different plans! 

So my adventure will continue as I head to Africa from December 30, 2013-January 11, 1993 (Plus... I get to celebrate my 21st birthday on our way back... How cool is that?!? I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than showing Jesus to those precious children.) 

As time continues, I'll be writing more about what I will be doing, fundraising (I'm thinking of selling customized t-shirts-- thoughts??), and how you can pray for me and the team! 

I'm so looking forward to this next adventure God has for me! 
"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
[Matthew 4:14-16]