Thursday, November 28, 2013


Through reading the book "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp, I have been challenged daily to see the small things in life as things to be grateful for.
Now for those that don't know the meaning behind the word eucharisteo, let me explain it to you.
It literally means, "he gave thanks." The root of the eucharisteo is charis, which means grace. It also has the derivative from the Greek word chara, meaning job.
Grace and joy. Found in the center of our lives.
Pure, unadulterated joy.
The crux of who we should be in Christ.
Remember and give thanks.
It's not just the one day a year when we all sit around the table proclaiming all of the things we are thankful for... No, it's who we become. Every single day.

But on Thanksgiving, I thought it appropriate to make a [very condensed] list of some things that I am thankful for throughout this past year. God has been so, so good, and sometimes it takes me a little bit to step back and see it all, but when I do, so much joy fills my heart because of the grace He has offered me time and time again.

Some moments of eucharisteo have been in...

  • Safety when the future is unknown
  • Strength with it feels like I can't make it through another day
  • Technology to be blessed by the presence of those I don't see daily
  • Friendships that stick like glue, even when I don't deserve it
  • Words of truth that hurt, but grow
  • Surprise trips that become more of a blessing for you than anyone else
  • Faithfully being supported to follow the missions heart God has given me
  • Applying to teach overseas and, by grace, being accepted!!
  • Books, books, books that bring so much joy and relaxation
  • Scarves that offer fashion AND warmth
  • Sparkling, crisp, fresh snow to take adorable pictures in (and sled, of course!)
  • School, even when it is overwhelming
  • Knowing that in a year I will be graduated, and that God holds the future
  • Health, whether from a cold or disease
  • Precious girls who have become my daily source of encouragement and love
  • Letters that brighten my day
  • Family to come home to whenever I need extra loving
  • Actors that can bring well-anticipated books to life
  • Affirmation in my calling as a teacher
  • Food that fills me (even if sometimes it is from the caf...)
and lastly, but certainly not least

  • the faithfulness of God through every single moment of the day
Join me in remembering the little things that sometimes can be taken for granted, yet are still blessings in disguise.
Happy Thanksgiving!