Monday, August 27, 2012


"Until Jesus Christ is the obsession of your heart, you'll always be looking to mere men to meet needs that only He can fill. Only when you make Jesus Christ your first love, will you be ready for a love story that reflects His glory."

This quote is currently hanging on my wall in my dorm room, in plain sight, to be read at all times, as a constant reminder to me.

Why? Partially because I love the message that it is portraying. Mainly because I am back at Asbury.

I am utterly convinced that there are 20 times more couples on campus this semester than all of last year combined. Is that even possible?

This day in age it's really tough living "single." We are constantly so surrounded by the media that is portraying the fact that we need to have that "significant other to love, cherish, hold..." blah, blah, blah. We are thrown with the idea that if that is not present in our lives, something is wrong, either with us or with the relationship.

As I've really come to learn, it's in singleness that God can be the most significant other in our life.

Psalm 17:15b says, "I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness."
Humans are no where near perfect. Our image will always be tattered with different self-perceptions that we tend to carry around on our sleeve. This is whether we are in a relationship, or not. But what hit me is the question, "Am I satisfied with having other people seeing Christ by me?" Instead of having a boyfriend walking beside me, am I willing and constantly showing that instead, Christ is walking beside me and I should be exuding that joy.

You know those couples that seriously cannot wipe the smile from their face? That's how I should be about walking with Christ. Am I content in that?

Colossians 3:4a- "When Christ, who is your life..."
My prayer has been that Christ really will be my life. That He will be the one that I am living for. That my life does continue to go on with or without a significant other. That I am content in living to please and honor Christ, NO one else.

Proverbs 21:2- "All a man's ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs on his heart."
I have that desire to be content. I also have that desire to find the man that I am going to marry. The difference is, I know that God's will for me right now is to be content. I have found SO much joy in my relationship with Christ these past few weeks, especially. I am praying that my plans are slowly lining up with God's, as I continue in this journey of college. But I am also praying that I will be content with what God has revealed to me thus far, and not push for more. It's when I start pushing that settling occurrs. Especially in the context of finding the one I am going to marry, settling is not an option. After all, contentedness requires patience and trust that someday God's plans will be revealed and it will be a "happy ever after."

Please pray for me as I continue in this journey of contentedness. That the motto's of Asbury, the couples, the media will not grab my attention, but rather I will be focused on what God has blessed me with thus far, and that I will be content to wait as the rest is slowly revealed.

On a side note: I interviewed to be fully accepted into the Asbury University Education Program, and I passed!! Praise the Lord! Such a lesson in learning to be content, with the mishap that happened last semester concerning the interview. I had to learn to be content where I was, and KNOW that God would reveal His plan in the right time- and that time was this past Thursday! All glory and praise goes to God because it was truly His words that came out of my mouth to show my passion and desire to teach children!

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