Saturday, June 4, 2011

To begin with... Commitment


That's a word we (especially us seniors) hear quite a bit.
Commit to finishing highschool and walking across that stage. Commit to a college for the next four year. Commit to classes that will get you the education needed. Commit to getting that diploma that will take you far in life. Commit to a spouse. Commit to buying a house. Commit to a retirement plan.


Wow. Biggy right there. What does that even mean?

Commitment according to the Webster Dictionary means "an agreement or pledge to do something in the future." But why must we limit it to the future? There is so much in the here and now that is often pushed aside for commitments.
Don't get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with commitments. I find myself making them more often than not. But recently I'm continually reminded of a lecture my dad once gave me about margin. What is reading a book without the little bit of space at the top, bottom, and sides? Well... I for one wouldn't want to read that many words as much as I love readnig. This is equivilant to our lives. How can I live to the fullest and the way the Lord intended if I continue constantly filling it up with commitments? Commitments that aren't always able to be kept.
I've learned though... there is ONE person who will always keep a commitment.


Proverbs 16:3-4a says "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. The Lord works out everything for his own ends."
This is a two-way street though. If we commit out lives to Christ, then He in return has told us that whatever is in the future He is committed to.
I tend to make commitments to easily. Will I sing in church? Yes. Will I play the piano for school? Sure. Will I babysit for your kids? Absolutely. Will I... Will I... Will I.... The questions are endless. But how many times do I ask myself, Will I be willing to give up my hopes and dreams to God? Will I give up my fears to God? Will I surrender my heartaches, hurts, anguishes to GOD? WILL I? Now that's not so easy to commit to. It means giving up something. Something that we deem more valuable than a little bit of time or talent. It involves life.
You'd think it'd be significantly easier to give up something to the LORD who freaking made us. You know, He's the maker of life. For goodness sake, He GAVE me life. It wasn't something I earned or just happened upon, it was a gift. And the least I can do is commit/give it back to Him. The one to whom I owe it all.
God told us He would wash us white as snow.

As white and pure as the hairs on the lamb's back.


As white as the crisp, freshly fallen snow on a moutain top.

Jesus paid it all. ALL to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain; He washed it white as snow!

My goal as I head into this summer before college is that my commitment to Christ will be stronger than any other commitment I make. That it will not be pushed aside for other things that may momentarily seem "more valuable." Because in reality, a commitment is something that is honored in the future

. A commitment with Christ means... eternal life.
 Something for which I cannot wait!


  1. Grace- thank you for this look into your heart. It is so encouraging - we haven't had a chance to talk about stuff like this recently, but it sounds like we've been going through some of the same things. Keep the faith, I love you, and let's talk soon!


  2. Wonderful start to a blog Grace!

