Thursday, July 7, 2011

Someday my Prince will come... but I already have a King!

Late last night I was talking to my best friend... Yes, I happen to greatly love technology! Dating has, for some reason, become a topic with numerous friends. But part of the conversation with Lynnette turned into wishing that "someday our Prince will come."


That's something I tend to say without though, being the fairytale, Disney princess that I am! But she responded with something that I got me thinking...

"I think there is a bit of princess in all of us. I think He made us that way."
It's so true! He's the King of Kings, and since we're His children, it's fitting that we have a princess mentality. What better could we want?

I don't need some prince to give me the dreams that I desire (Though I won't lie... I kinda want one!), I have a God that is greater than any man is, and has already given me the desires of my heart! Psalm 37:4. Lately I've learned (and it isn't any new concept by any means, but it's still a lesson to be learn!) that in order for some guy to have a place in my "world", I have to be 100% content with God. God has to be number 1 in my life, and EVERYTHING must revolve around Him.

“As for God, his way is perfect: The LORD’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.” Psalm 18:30NIV

How well this verse describes what I'm trying to express. It's ironic how God leads us to passages that speak to us in a different way, but in the way that we need them.

As well as being Princesses of Christ though, I am also called to be a soldier of Christ. Last night I started a new Bible study with some of the older women at my church. It's the study called "Faithful, Abundant, True." by Kay Arthur, Priscilla Shirer, and Beth Moore. books.jpg

Last night, Kay Arthur spoke, and man I hope that I am that vibrant and on fire for God at the age of 76. She kept saying things last night though that have been taught to me all of my life, but I actually understand and comprehend now.

1. When I drawback, I miss the blessing from God.
          "We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn. In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's work all over a gain. You need milk, not solid food!... But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil." - Hebrews 5:11,12,14

Wow. Thats pretty powerful. I can't take myself away form the power and splendor of God without digressing greatly in my walk spiritually.

2. We are called to be soldiers of Christ, ready and PREPARED to face hardship.
                "He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had know, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord." -Deuteronomy 8:3

If you are on facebook, read my facebook status from today (Thurs. July 7) "Life isn't without its moments of sorrow and pain, but it's also not without its pleasantries and good. God has a plan in all of it!" God hasn't called us to be ninnies in the faith. Nor has He called us to be pretty-pretty princesses that freak out at a broken nail. No, He's called us to be soldiers.

Soldier_1.jpgWhat is a soldier? 
a definition on Webster's dictionary says that a soldier is one "to persist steadfastly, in one's work; perservere."

Soldier's lives aren't easy to say the least. They are constantly having to live in light of death. Am I willing to do this for what I believe is true, the Word of God?

Things may not always be going as planned... Hardships come. Life isn't the perfect fairy tale that we always want it to be, but God is with us all. The whole. entire. time. No doubt about it!

Let us begin in the journey of the "rest of faith." This involves bringing everything we believe and thing and aligning it with the accordance of God and living it. Another friend brought up the idea of being single as Paul states in Romans. If that's what God has, then I must fall align in God's PERFECT and PLEASING will.

There's still that little girl in me that hopes that someday... my prince will come :)


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