Thursday, August 25, 2011

8a.m is WAY too early.

Some of you may be wondering what in the world I am doing posting at 9:07 in the morning. Good question. I'm asking myself the same thing.

College life means more freedom, right? More nothing-to-do-ness? More relaxation?
Well... yes and no.
But today? No. And the other 3 out of the 5 days of the week that I have to awaken to see the dawning of the morning sun? No.

If you couldn't already guess, I'm so not a morning person. Which, in all reality, is quite ironic. I am studying to be an elementary teacher. So... technically speaking, that means for the rest of my life I have to wake up every morning to go to school. Yippee. Actually, I am quite excited about teaching. It's just the time of day! Seriously? I should not be seeing the clock when it is just turning to say 6:30. Maybe if we flipped the 6 around and made it a 9 I'd be a bit more of a happy camper! But I guess this is another way God is trying to stretch me!

My schedule this semester didn't exactly work out to be ideal. I have four 8a.m classes. 
And on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I have a 9am class following that AND a 10am chapel. So no sleep for Grace! 
But hey, it requires me to use my skill of discernment and NON-procrastination to get everything done at a reasonable hour, so that I am in bed by 11 and getting at least 7 hours of sleep. Though, on a regular basis, my body needs a bit more than that to efficiently function. That's beside the point though!

The worst is... I woke up at 6:45 this morning. Well... ish. Let me clarify this: My alarm went off at 6:45 this morning. By the time I had the will-power to climb off of my bunk it was about... Well, we need not go there. So I take a shower, go through my morning routine, no big deal. Then Hunter and I walk over to our Theory of Wellness class. Which, by the way, is THE farthest building away ever. I get my fair share of exercise just simply walking there :P We walk in our 8:00am class at 8:02. Oops. Great way to start out a class, right? It gets even better. We walk out of the class at 8:22am. This was supposed to be a 50 minute class. So I walked a half a mile just to sit for 20 minutes?? 
Ha. Ok, maybe it wasn't THAT bad. After all, exercise is good!

Anywho. For any of you that are actually reading this, thanks! I'm sure this wasn't the most exciting thing in the world. And those of you that are actually already out in the work world are probably chuckling to yourself saying "She's still only in college... Just wait till she gets to the real world."
That's definitely true. But one of these days, I shall become a morning person. At least, that is my prayer for the year! I haven't slept through any of my classes... Yet. I'm almost one week down. I can do this for 15 more weeks :)

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