Monday, August 22, 2011

College = Love.

Have you ever experience that feeling where you wonder if you're really where God has you?

If so... just hang on! Because God will definitely make it clear to you :) But I'd like to express how wonderful it is when you know for sure that you are in the place God has for you.

Asbury has seriously been one of the greatest decisions of my life! Already I can clearly see God's hand at work in this decision... Some examples are as follows:

1. As soon as we got on campus, it was like we were flooded with Asburians that were more than willing to help get me moved into Kresge (my dorm for those of you who didn't know!). Literally, 20 seconds after we pulled into the parking lot 2 guys came over and offered to take my stuff up to room 225! Then, next thing I knew 15 Asbury students were unloading my car and taking ALL (now when I say "all", let me just clarify... I had a TON of stuff. For those of you that know me, you can only imagine.) of my stuff up. Such a gift and answer to prayer. The night before my dad contracted food poisoning and was puking his guts out all night and that morning. It made for a rough morning, and unfortunately he was sick the rest of the day. But to have someone simply offer and take over it, that was SO encouraging.

2. My roommate, Sarah, is so incredibly sweet! I've already heard stories of roommates this year at Asbury that do not get along at all... That's so not the case for me! Already we've had wonderful conversations, and she's even a morning person- which means no super early mornings for me! :)

3. TAG groups... This stands for Transition and Guidance. Seriously, this is one of the greatest things that Asbury can and does do! It is a group of approximately 15 freshmen, with 2 sophomores that help us around campus and orientation. Before I got in my group, I had only heard negative things about them... Such as "Oh we got so sick of them..." "The TAG leaders are super boring and don't care..." That hasn't been the case with my group in the least! I love my TAG leaders and TAG people :) The friends that I've made in and through that group will probably be people that I'm friends with for the rest of college! It's so neat to be surrounded by people who are in touch with God and are striving to be like him daily, as well as providing A LOT of good laughs.

4. The faculty is so encouraging. All 4 of my professors today prayed before class started. Yes, I know that I should be used to that... But it seems like that is often pushed to the side with the craziness of class.  You can tell that the professors are fully in tune with Christ and want that relationship to be the key one in the classroom! It's so awesome. I cannot wait to get more involved in my classes.

5. Last, but certainly not least, chapel. As I've told numerous friends already... we do have assigned seats. Why, you may ask? I'm honestly not sure, but I'm excited about it! It gives me, especially, an opportunity to meet people that I wouldn't necessarily seek out on a day-to-day basis. It also is neat to sit up in the balcony and watch all of the other students at Asbury worshipping our God. Chapel today, while yes it wasn't quite as um... interesting, per say, as normal was still so cool! The worship was fantastic. I cannot wait to see how God grows the Unshakable class!

Well those are just a few thoughts from my 5 days here at Asbury :) I am absolutely loving college life. Yes, I do miss my family, but I've talked to them every day so far! This is definitely where God has me. Thank you all for your prayers this far in my journey. God is taking me one step deeper and deeper every day!

1 comment:

  1. I forgot they had assigned seats!!! Isn't it for attendance or something? I forget what they told us. Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying it!! It makes me want to go back to college!! Enjoy it, it'll go FAST!! I'm SO glad you have a great roomate! I hope that continues, it makes college SO much more enjoyable! ;-) Love you girlie!! I may just have to come visit sometime!
