Monday, October 17, 2011

Natural Beauty

Guess what?

Did you know that you really don't need make-up to look beautiful? In fact, as of recently... I've heard from more of my guy friends that they prefer it when girls don't wear pound and pounds of make-up because they are beautiful without it.

And it's really true.

Often times make-up is used to cover up blemishes... Now, don't get me wrong, I totally see where a little bit of cover-up and mascara might be helpful, but they are by no means necessary. We are made in God's image, so how can we be anything less than what He created us to be? God is perfect... If we were made in His image, what does that make us? Well, since we're human we aren't perfect, but God did make us perfectly in His sight. When he looks at us he doesn't see those pimples, scars, chapped lips, and pale skin... No, instead he sees us through the cross, which makes us redeemed, precious, treasures of His.
Make-up isn't wrong by any means. I admit, I am guilty of using it as a cover-up. To try to blend myself into looking like something that isn't necessarily me. But it can get to the point where it is almost addicting and self-relying for our own self-confidence. So many girls today find that they feel ugly without make-up. Personally, I find that a bit ridiculous. Yes, I don't feel like I look my best without make-up on, but I know that I don't look like the world might as well end. Putting too much reliance and trust on things such as make-up can lead to a misperception of who are true selves are.

Make-up is almost like a new facade. Putting it on makes you look beautiful and put together. While, if you don't have it on you can have the appearance of being tired or worn out... But you know what? That's ok! It's life. You're not the only one that actually goes through this thing called life--we all experience it! It's how we choose to handle it that makes all of the difference.

Natural beauty is something that isn't as highly spoken of anymore. Therefore leading to a challenge I'm presenting to myself for the next month... and that is to go completely with a natural look. No Make-Up November. It's a play off of No Shave November (if you feel like doing that, be my guest... personally I find it a tad uhm... interesting for girls to do? But whatever floats your boat!) But this encourages us to evaluate our own self esteem for when we don't have the cover-up of make-up to help us look our "best." True beauty will shine out of our faces, as God's light overflows through our shadow-free eyes.

If you're going for wanting to attract a guy... Try going the natural route. If it's the man you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with, he'll love you no matter what. Who knows, he may think you're absolutely stunning without everything to hide your blemishes [after all, we girl are human too, but we find ways to cover that up :P] A quote I found tonight says this: "A little make up does make your guy happy, but not all of that! Guys like you more when you are without it, because it shows the real self of you" Plus that shouldn't be all we are after for... Yes make-up can be used as a little self esteem booster, but I encourage you to go look in the mirror and repeat to yourself, "I am God's daughter. He made me in His image. I am beautiful." It's true. This is what God says when he looks at us. After all, when he created man in the garden he looked and said, "It was very good." How awesome is that? From the first day, God knew His creation was good. Then again, it's God, how could it not?

You all are beautiful, wonderful, children of God. Embrace it.

"There could never be a more beautiful you to fight the lies, disguises and hoops they make you jump through. You were made to fill a purpose, that only you can do. So there can never be a more beautiful you."

PS: Watch this video.

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