Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Is it simply a coincidence that at the age of 7 I met someone who is still today someone I consider my best friend?
I think not... From the start God had it planned that I would meet Lynnette Therese Sauer in Miss Braham's first grade class. While we weren't really friends until 7th grade, it's such a wonder that we had "play dates" back in the day. Every single day I thank God for her friendship. She's been through so much with me; and despite my numerous ups and downs she still loves me, and I her. More than she probably knows!

Is it simply a coincidence that God put me at Heritage Christian School for eleven school years?
Absolutely not! It was there that my passion for children was nurtured... It was there that I made some friends I'll have for life... It was there I had some of the most amazing teachers that I could ever have... It was there I learned more about God than I probably would have most other places... It was there I was in the number 2 choir in the state of Indiana.

Is it simply a coincidence that God moved my family June 2010 to Bristol, TN right before my senior year?
As much as I wish it was, it wasn't. At all. My attitude going there was absolutely terrible, but one thing I know for sure now, that was MOST definitely God's will for my family. If I hadn't moved I don't think God would have stretched me quite as much as he did over this past year. My sister and I are closer than ever. Overall, there have probably been more positives than negative effects. I won't say there weren't qualms, because there most definitely were... And I won't lie, home is still IN, but I know that my family is where God has them, therefore I am perfectly content going to TN to go visit. Also, I invested in some wonderful friendships that I wouldn't have today had I stayed behind and finished senior year in IN. God is good in it all.

Is it a coincidence that my dad is now working for David Stevens, which is how I heard of Asbury?
Of course not! I know that God would have made it clear if Asbury had been the place for me even if my dad hadn't taken the job at CMDA, but now I see how much more of the plan this was that God had for me in the long run. Yes, my attitude when I first visited Asbury was terribly. I didn't want to go AT ALL. But God does some crazy things when we decide to surrender our will to His. Afterall, His is better in the first place!

Is it a coincidence that I didn't know anyone coming to Asbury, therefore I went potluck for my roomie?
NO NO NO. If anything it was an absolute blessing! I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful roommate. Sarah and I compliment each other so nicely. We both work around each others schedules, and despite some of our different schedules we have had some wonderful conversations and fun times :) Including, but not limited to, talking until 2 in the morning... racing to the bathroom [which is literally 2 steps away]... laughing until we are crying. I love her!

Is it a coincidence that at least half of the group of friends that I have made did NOT want to come to Asbury in the first place?
Nope. It just adds to the uniqueness of our group. It's so fantastic how God led all of our paths to intertwine the way that they did. Seriously, what are the odds of that? There were 8 of us that went to Orange Leaf tonight on a whim, and on the way back in the car was myself, Kale, Hunter, and Sarah [my roomie.] And we got to talking about how we wound up at Asbury... All 4 of us admitted that we really didn't even consider Asbury at first; when we visited all of us had pretty bad attitudes about it. What is the irony of that? Now we are all here, knowing that we are exactly where God has us, and all friends.

God works in some mysteriously wonderful ways!

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