Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Today I was a full-time mom.

I had both girls in the morning, but their aunt came and picked up the youngest to go take her out for the day and then to spend the night! So Anna and I decided we would have some fun of our own, which started out jamming to some Disney music on the way to my house. Following that started the "mom" part of the day...

We made some lunch (complete with mac & cheese, watermelon, plums, and potato chips!) and had a mostly chill afternoon. I found myself making sure she was alright and asking if she needed anything on a regular basis.. It really was fun! We watched a movie and then I had the opportunity to make homemade cookies with her for the FIRST time. Now you have to understand something... I have been making cookies since before I can remember, and always (well, almost) from scratch. But Anna, at 8 years old, has never made homemade cookies! Needless to say, lots of fun was involved as we scraped off the flour to make sure it was just perfectly 1c. and pouring in (a little too much) vanilla! She really enjoyed it and it was so fun for me to experience it all over again through the eyes of someone who had never done it. Sometimes the things we take for granted the most are things that others haven't had the opportunity to experience... And I found so much joy in sharing that wonderful past time of mine!

After that we watched another movie (it was pouring, and I mean literally pouring and dumping rain all afternoon) and then I had another "mom" opportunity of teaching her how to correctly set a table. Talk about stressful... I had to make sure I remember everything my mom and grandma's have ever taught me, but she picked up super quick and before I knew it, she was setting the whole table! Proud mama moment right there. Who would've thought that a simple thing like seeing someone you love and are building into accomplish a huge task like learning to set the table would bring so much joy!

She has also learned (very quickly, might I add) that whenever I'm around at least, she needs to clear her dishes when she is done because it's a big help to me (and whoever might be cooking!) It's so awesome to see how much I've been able to build into her little life in just the week and a half I've nannied her (and Ella!).

AH- but here comes probably the most amazing part of the day... We came upstairs so I could change my clothes to go on the walk and she noticed the books laying by my bed and she decided to organize/look at them! As she was, my Bible fell open and she made the comment, "Oh, I've always wanted a Bible." I responded quickly, "You don't have one of your own?" She doesn't, so giddy inside, I opened my closet door and found a Bible that I had used through elementary and middle school (still in fantastic condition) and got down on my knees and said, "Anna, I want you to have this Bible. It's completely yours. I even have some stuff underlined in here that's really important and things that can help you if you get scared, etc..." The smile on her face is something I will never erase from my memory. So beautiful. So precious. So open! And she started reading it (there are some cute short "lessons" in there that are easy "kid-reading") and she said, "Woah, this is really awesome!" My heart is so happy.

After dinner, we decided to take a walk around the neighborhood, and I couldn't help but imagine that someday I'll be doing something like that with my own daughter. Walking around, holding hands, chasing after the dog (yes... Sparky made a special appearance on this walk-ha!), and just talking about everything under the sun. She is so full of questions- I love it! Then we got back and it was story time before bed... Can I just say that is probably my favorite part about babysitting? I adore story time. Having the kids all cuddled up around you, listening with rapture the story that you are reading... Ah- priceless. Well we cuddled up and read the first couple chapters of a series by Barbara Davoll and then it was time for bed. At first she was a little scared, but after I was rubbing her back for a while I could feel her relax, but then someone would make a sound downstairs and the fear would come back. So she asked me if I ever had bad dreams... Answering her I eased her fears saying that I did sometimes, but then I told her what I did if I had a bad dream, which is pray that God would take my thoughts back to happy thoughts and what she replied is etched in my heart for forever... "I wish I could be like you." Oh sweet girl, you can. I had the neat opportunity to take her hands and tell her that Jesus was watching over her just like he was me, and then I asked if we can pray that Jesus would make her dreams happy and special tonight and she immediately grabbed my hands and said, "YES!" Nothing could have made my heart happier to end my day.

Being a "mom" isn't always easy... Sometimes stressful and overwhelming because you have to look out for someone on a minute-to-minute basis and they truly are completely dependent on you. But as a "mom" so so so many opportunities arrive to be kind, patient, loving, teaching, and molding to shine the light of Jesus to our kids. Today was one of those amazing "mom days..."
And I truly look forward to more of these opportunities.
My heart is filled with joy.

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