Thursday, February 23, 2012


"You are beautiful, no matter what they say. Words can't bring you down."
"I am beautiful in every single way. Words can't bring me down... So don't you bring me down today."
 [My first day in the classroom: Practicum of freshman year!]

One of the first things that was said to me by a couple of the girls in my new first grade class was, "Wow, Miss Ries, you are beautiful." or "You are so pretty!"

Those words made such a difference in my day. 

Who would have thought that a compliment by three little first grade girls could have changed my day? Normally it means a lot coming from someone of the opposite gender and approximately the same age as yourself... But in all reality, it means just the same thing and it's the same exact truth coming from little girls of the age of 7. 

Insecurities come mostly from lack of encouragement. 
And I think that's the biggest area that I've struggled with since being at Asbury. 
I find myself comparing myself to all of my friends, thinking most of the time that I have crazy beautiful friends, so it's no wonder that I don't have a guy that likes me because all of my friends are just that much more gorgeous.

But I've found that in the classroom I can completely be myself, plain and simple, and beautiful to little first graders. I'm completely content with that!

And I also know that God made me beautiful and good. 
Therefore I don't always need to be told, because it is explicitly said in His Word that I am beautiful in His sight, and through Him, so what more could I want or need?

To continue talking about the first day of class though...
It seriously was one of the most amazing days of the year. I am working with Mrs. Dix at Brookside Elementary School. She is one of the sweetest teachers that I have ever met! I think I will really enjoy working with her... Another neat God story regarding the placement of my practicum: I am the only student in my class that got my ideal class age. How cool is that? And it's just another way I see God working in my life and confirming the fact that I am supposed to be going into Elementary Education! There are also other doors opening for missions work during the summer, which is exactly what I feel like God has placed on my heart. It's so neat following after God's perfect plan for my life!
I digress...
There were so many fun teaching techniques that I observed, just from being in Mrs. Dix's classroom for one day. And I'm really excited to continue learning, observing, and possibly even teaching a little bit in her classroom! The children are precious. As I've already observed, there are going to be a few students that will test my patience  and teach me different ways that I can deal with less-than-perfect students, but that is all part of teaching! 
Let me just say... I cannot wait to have a classroom of my own! I cannot wait to decorate my room... Implement the skills that I will have learned... Change kids lives... Make them into beautiful little children who have such a love to learn, just like Miss Braham did to me.

Never underestimate the impact you can have on kids, as well as kids can have on you.

Three specific little girls completely made my day on Wednesday.
And it just confirmed the truth that God's word tells me...

I am beautiful.

And I'm telling every single one of you that is reading it:
You are beautiful; never forget that!

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