Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Today has been Day 1, and I can honestly say it's been one of the most difficult days... More than likely because Facebook was literally at my fingertips for a good 50% of the day. Yet, I didn't.

And I couldn't be more proud of myself for that.
[Excusing the fact that a friend of mine changed my password, so I couldn't have gotten on it even if I want to!]

Why did I give up Facebook? 
The one thing that I did keep from my life in Indiana.

I needed to.
That's it.
Plain and simple.

Too often I found that it was taking up precious and valuable time that I could have been working on school work, planning lessons for my kids, initiating conversations with people, enhancing relationships with REAL people, not simply virtually.
Instead, my challenge to myself is as follows:
Every time I have that desire to go on Facebook to see what's going on in the world [because obviously I can't find that out any other way...] I am going to go get my Bible and read Psalms. The book of praises. Words inspired by God, written by man so that I can read them. How much better news can I get than that? I'm pretty sure what I can gleam from Psalms is significantly more than anything that I could gleam from Facebook. At this point, I'll be getting through Psalms multiple times before these 40 days are over, but you know what, what better way to spend my time than meditating on God's word. After all, His word is infallible. It cannot be wrong. It can be convicting, but in a good way. It cannot harm. It's perfect.

If you're reading this, I challenge you to do the same thing! Maybe not give up Facebook, but think about something that you spend a lot of time doing... Maybe it's Twitter... Pinterest... Texting... Myspace (is that even still around?)... Gaming systems (PS2 [that probably dates me A LOT!], Wii, Xbox, I don't know what else is out there!]... Fictional books... You name it. Anything that could possibly be taking away from valuable time that you could be spending in the Word of God. After all, if God took the time to inspire all of those words for us, the LEAST we can do is to read them. Then we should take it even a step farther and apply them to our lives, and have it reflect in our day to day actions and words.

That is my challenge to myself as well as you. If you're reading this, I encourage you to keep me accountable! I want to be the kind of person that it is evident that I am following and seeking after Christ, especially now that I have given up Facebook, and hopefully it will continue nurturing as I progress in this wonderful relationship with God!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your Facebook alternative. Thanks for the challenge, and for the encouragement.
