Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Coming to Asbury, I knew God was going to do big things in my life. I just didn't know what. After all, I had my 10-year plan which included graduating college, marriage, children, and teaching at a private Christian school in the United States. And all of this at some point in time sounds positively grand. But more and more I've felt a restlessness. Like all of that isn't enough.

And now... Now I'm starting to see the picture as to why it isn't.

Since 7th grade, I have had a love for the country of Nicaragua. Most people know that. And it's only grown deeper and deeper as time as progressed. I went back again this past March, and oh, how my heart longs to go back already. Those precious children... They just work their way into your heart and there is positively no way you can stop it (nor should you try!) And it's through that trip that I truly, truly realized... I want to teach overseas.

In the past, I've said that I want to go overseas for short periods of time... Ya know, preach the good new of Jesus, etc... But this... This is a passion to go show the love of my Christ to those precious children through education. Door after door has opened in the past year or so to talk with people who have had that experience of teaching or living overseas, and after a while it was like God hit me over the head with a 2 by 4 saying, "DUH. Grace, THIS is what I have for you."
THIS being a love for children who do not take education for granted... THIS being a passion to be a light of Christ in a foreign place... THIS being a desire to see the world God has so graciously placed me in... THIS being a desire to teach.
Not that children in the United States are any less lovable or and less of learners, but there is just something about being given an opportunity to GO. I mean... God calls us to "GO." Not, sit on your butts and be content where you're at. No, it means stretching. Actually doing something. And you know what, not all people are called out of the country. After all, if everyone was called out of the country, what would happen here?!? That could be a problem... But for those, they see "here" as their mission field, their place to make a mark. And eventually, I can also see that being a place where I would love to make an impact. Clearly God has put me in the United States for a reason and I cannot blow that off. But for the time being... His command of, "GO" means somewhere else.

And since realizing this call on my life, there has been an uncanny amount of peace in my heart. I still do not know where God is calling me... It could be from anywhere to right down the road in Mexico to Timbuktu. (Although in more realistic terms, I am applying to teach in Croatia, New Zealand and Nicaragua.) But I am getting more excited to see and experience the joys of another culture. The opportunities to grow and learn are endless and daily more doors open for me to further that.

So welcome... into my journey of discovering where God is having me "GO" and further His kingdom as I rest in the peace that He has given me through giving up my restlessness to Him.

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