Monday, December 12, 2011

Keep on keeping on

This is pretty much how I feel. There is so much surrounding me that I really SHOULD be doing but I get distracted by the littlest... SQUIRREL... things. Dory pretty much is my favorite character right now. She is so carefree, kinda forgetful, and so precious. Yes, she has her own issues but it's the important things that really matter to her! The little things of life can get to her, but when it comes down to it P. Sherman 42 Wallabee Way Sydney is her constant. Just like some of my friends and HOME is a constant for me.
I may not be the brightest cookie in the cookie jar... Actually I'm definitely not, but when I put my mind to something I will accomplish it to the best of my ability cause I know that God has given me the strength to just keep swimming.
God's been trying to teach me a lot. Unfortunately it's been through some pain... Why? That's such a big question that I've been asking. Why, with everything I've gone through already, is THIS happening? Then I realize how selfish of a question that is. Instead I should be asking why NOT me? It is almost a privilege to experience some of these things because God deems me worthy enough to go through trials that will teach me great lessons. I think one of the primary lessons He is trying to get across to me is if I really find Him enough for me. Am I content with JUST Him? Is my happiness and joy found in Him? I'm having to ask myself this on a daily basis. But thankfully God, through it all, is standing there saying "You can do it; you can do it; you can!" This leads me to the picture on the side... No I'm not obsessed with Thomas the train, but I do remember in the little kids movies how all of the kids would start chanting "You can do it; you can do it; you can!" as Thomas was trying to get up the looming hill ahead of him. That's kinda how I feel, except with God on the side holding my hand helping me up. He isn't leaving me out to dry, thankfully! 

I can make it through. Unfortunately it won't be easy... That's what friends and family are for though! Without them I seriously don't know where I'd be. The fact that I have friends that are willing to sit and listen to me cry and talk for hours on end without even making any sense, means the world to me! I just have to trust that God knows back. I just need to keep on keeping on. The things that have transpired can't negatively reflect my relationship with God or anyone else. It should be a learning and growing experience, which I am trying to make it to be! It will all work out. God hasn't left me yet. My dependence and happiness is in Him. Don't ever let me say otherwise. 

Then there's the pain of finals on top of that... Oh the stress that I have to deal with! Thankfully finals in college aren't nearly as big of a deal as in highschool. I have one completely cumulative exam; that's not bad AT ALL. The rest are simply just another test in the class... It's just getting in the mindset of actually studying and taking tests for 4 days in a row that's getting to me. I also have to keep on keeping on in this situation! It'll be over in just a few short days. Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. It can't come soon enough! Then I'm home free and will have absolutely nothing to do over Christmas break! YES. God has gotten me through this semester. And I have so much fun to look forward to coming back and taking FIVE EDUCATION CLASSES!!!!! Just a tad bit excited. Just a tad.

If you've suffered through this blog... Thanks :) Just trying to get some thoughts out. One thing I'm working on is not harboring things inside, I've found it doesn't exactly work to my benefit... God's faithful though, even when my stubbornness and pride can get in the way of acknowledging Him in situations such as this! I'm just not going to worry about it. Worrying doesn't add anything except unpleasantness! I'll keep on keeping on.
"Worry is a burden that God never meant for us to bear."

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