Monday, December 5, 2011


Another mind hitting chapel.
Especially regarding something I've struggled with.

In short, this is giving into something, right? Well in a manner of speaking it is, but it's so much more than that. When I was younger I always heard the phrase "submit to your authorities..." Blah blah blah. I kinda came to resent that phrase. But as I've continued to grow up, I've realized how crucial that really is. God has called us to submit to those older than us. Now that won't necessarily mean we'll enjoy it all the time. Because I mean, be realistic, who enjoys submitting to their parent over an issue that you're convinced you're correct about? Not me. [That could also just be part of my stubbornness.]
This morning, though, the speaker spoke on the Christmas story. Woo-hoo. We hear it all the time; Mary was told she was pregnant; Joseph decided to not divorce her; traveled to Bethlehem to have the baby; Angels appeared to shephards; and lastly JESUS WAS BORN. Yeah! 
Ok but how much of that have we thought about? Mary was TOLD she was pregnant. Can you imagine that? I sure can't. I mean, as much as I want to get married, phew I'm not ready for a kid just about yet. But just think about how much she had to submit with that simple phrase that said "You will be with child from the Holy Spirit." Can't exactly say no to God then.
1. Submission is letting God call the shots.
This is exactly what Mary had to do. Since she grew up in favor of God obviously she learned at a young age the concept of submission, but the real test came when Gabriel showed up to her. Would I do the same? To be honest... Probably not. I think I'd be scared out of my mind and unsure of what to do. But as I've slowly been learning, I just need to submit to God. He's the one who is going to make His plan perfect in and through my life.

1. Submission is an expression of humility.
I think God has been trying to teach me this a lot recently. I've got a lot of pride, and when I say a lot... unfortunately I mean quite a bit. It's something I really need to work on. But see underneath it, is a lot of insecurities and struggles. But with submission comes the diminishing of those because God will honor that. The chapel speaker said something this morning that really struck me... "There are times when I have no control over the circumstances of life this is when we let God be God. He is God. We are not." Wow. So often I just brush aside the fact that God is there. 
It is through my humbleness that God will control all of those happenings that I think might be spinning out of control. With my pride in the way, He just stands back and almost chuckles... He probably thinks to Himself, "Oh that Grace... if only she'd let Me do the work...." Life would just be so much easier.

2. Submission is rooted in the character of God.
If I say that I want to be like God, this blatantly has to be a part of  me. God draws us near to him, but if we don't submit there can't be any drawing near to Him or becoming like Him in His image. Therefore... How can we NOT submit to Him? After all the effects of submission are far greater than the effects of not submitting... We can be blessed, we can reap the rewards of following after Christ.

Submission is so key in my life. Mary has slowly become such an example to me. I want to be the kind of girl that would, at the drop of a hat, say "Yes Lord, I am Your servant." But say it in a way where God initiates it, I am humble, and it draws me closer to God. The kind of girl that is content when there is no boy in the picture... The kind of girl who invests in relationships that will last a lifetime not for my own benefit, but for theirs... The kind of girl who has siblings who look up and want to model her because they see Christ in her... THAT kind of girl.
That picture I had at the beginning? The empty hands? Yeah this is how I should come to God. Open-handed, open-minded, humble... And through that the smallest seed will be sown and eventually bloom into a beautiful flower; which in my life would be God's character evident in everything that I do.

1 comment:

  1. Amen Sister!! Love reading how what the Lord is teaching you. It encourages and challenges me as well. So glad the Lord is giving you a mind that is seeking His truth and seeking His ways above all else. He has you on a beautiful journey...glad I get to watch it unfold :)
