Saturday, July 30, 2011

Who am I?

So the obvious answer to the question is...


I am Grace Louise Ries. Born on January 11, 1993 to J. Scott Ries and Jodi Lough Ries. I live in Bristol, Tennessee. I play the piano and sing. I absolutely adore children. I have a heart for Nicaragua. I have lots of friends. I love my siblings, Lauren and Jason. I have issues.


The last statement isn't exactly something that everyone says when introducing themselves... But is it something that people see when I am introduced to them?
I hope and strive to be the kind of person that people look to and say "Oh she's different... What makes her so?" Not in the strange kind of different though... The kind of different where God is the one they really are seeing, I'm just the flesh production standing visibly in front of them.

Yes, I know that I am a far cry from perfect, as much as I don't like it... But that doesn't mean that I strive for anything different. My goal is to become more like Christ. After all, He made us in His image. Why should we settle for anything less? I have a feeling Christ is an immaculate beauty to look at... I mean, for goodness sake, no one could even look at Him due to his glory and power without falling down. Doesn't that just make you excited to meet Him someday?? Ok, I digress. But if Christ is such a beautiful person, then why should I try to appear anything less?

The thing is... Christ isn't only beautiful on the outside... It's the inside that radiates on the outside. THIS, This is what I want to be.
His love for people, His intensity, His purpose, His caring, His belief, His peace, His grace, His mercy, His forgiveness... That's what I want to have in my life.
And not only have in my life, but to let it show.

I want to be known as a daughter of the most high God! I want to be known as a follower of Jesus! I want to be known as a servant of Christ!

It's not the outward appearance that Christ looks at... It's not the number of beauty shows that I could be in; it's not the number of times I get dressed up to go to prom; it's not anything on the outside that impresses Him. Yes, we are supposed to take care of ourselves, as we are HIS vessels and HIS temples... But if that is all there is to us, then well... we don't go very deep at all.

Soon enough what is in my heart will leak out. Is that which is in my heart, plesaing? That's something I have to ask myself on a day to day basis. P
Pretenses can only go so far.

So my goal is to: "Let my light shine before men so that they might see Your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." [Matthew 5:16]

Who am I?

Daughter of the living God.
Princess of the most High God.                                          daughter.jpg
Servant of Christ.
Someone striving to live like Jesus on a daily basis.

I HOPE this is what people see in me.

   “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."
              [Matthew 5:14-16]
light on a hill[2].jpg

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Friends... :)

This could be an interesting blog...

1) Because I really didn't know what to blog about...

2) Since I decided on friends, numerous people will probably end up being mentioned only because if I leave one out... well the results could be catastrophic.

3) I'm extremely tired. And if you know me, me + tired= a funny combination. (Good times on those all-nighters!)

Anywho... to get on with my actual blog :)

What is a friend?  photo.php.jpg
According to Webster's Dictionary it is 1. one attached to another by affection or esteem. 2. one that is not hostile, 3. a favored companion.

Now if we were to go by the second definition, well then... most everyone that I meet would be a friend! But I think in our society today, "friend" is an overrated and overused term. Don't get me wrong, I see absolutely nothing wrong with calling people who are newer acquaintances friends, but... what would you call someone you've known for 10+ years? A friend?

It seems as though it just has a very vague definition.

To me, a friend is someone who knows the TRUE you and loves you anyways. They look past the little quirks and take the time to get to know you. They want to be around you because of their affection for you. They take a liking to you because YOU are a friend to them.

Now by that definition, the list tends to get a tad bit smaller... There are those people that I could call "friends" but in all reality... I hardly know them. Yes, we share seldom conversations over facebook... Yes, we like the same music... Yes, we have mutual friends... But does that really qualify a friendship?

I feel like friends have also become overrated through the wonderfulness of Facebook. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of facebook. But is it really necessary to request people that you DON'T KNOW nor will you EVER know? Yes I know it's way cool to have 500+ friends. But how many of them do you really know?

While visiting Indiana this past May, I was staying with my Aunt Julie. And we were talking about that, and because of our conversation I went through a lot of my "friends." If I didn't really know them, nor talk to them, then why have them in a place where they can access all this information about me? If I'm not checking their pages daily, or even weekly, chances are they aren't doing the same for me.

But I digress...

Lately my mom and I have been talking about "true friends." She said that if by the end of my life I am able to count on one hand the number of "true friends" that I have, I will be extremely blessed. And I've realized... She's right. (Go figure... She's my mom, she ALWAYS is right!) Oh I'll have numerous friends, but those that know the, for lack of a better word, more 'intimate' side of me, those will be few.

Honestly? I don't know where I'm going with this... Haha I'm just kinda typing my thoughts as they come to me, and if they don't make sense, I apologize.

Back to being a true friend...
I think I would consider a true friend to be one that ...
1) encourages me on a daily basis in my walk with Christ. That will be first and foremost in the friendship. If a friendship is built on anything less, the chances of it surviving or going anywhere are slim to none. Christ has told us that He is our firm foundation, why make a friendship on anything else?
2) is willing to "hurt" me in order to make me be a better person. Now this might take explaining... I'm not talking about the petty hurt of, "Girl, you need to break up with him because he totally isn't in to you." No, I'm refering to more character building. Those things that we can become blind to in our own life, that other people can observe. THOSE are the things that need to be pointed out in order to further our own maturity.
3) is just able to have a good time. Yes, we have to uber serious, late night discussions, but it's also super easy to have a great time! Just being ourselves... No pretenses, no need to be a certain way...

Truthfully, I am thankful for all of the people in my life. At this point, I still have so much ahead of me, and the friends that I do have all offer a different kind of encouragement that I've needed. I look forward to making more of those life-long, true friends at Asbury! But I do know for a fact, that even at this point in life I have make some of those true, life-long friends.

To be have friends... means that I must also be a friend. I admit, I have numerous faults that are evident in my life and probably make me not the most pleasant person to be around all the time. But I'm going to continue working on that. God refines and chips away at us, until He has made us into the jewel that He intended from the start! That is a promise that I cling to.

So... all in all... I just want to thank my friends (specifically those that just endured this whole thing...) for your love, encouragement, and friendship in general. This year would have been so much more difficult had I not made the effort to have those close friendships before I left. All of my friends are incredible. I love each and everyone of them so much. And I know God has richly blessed me with them :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011


So... I'm kinda at a loss of what to do.
Therefore, I decided to blog...
And to make it interesting, and to answer many of the questions I've been receiving these days, I'm going to blog about my college. But in a different way. I think I'm going to make it an acronym out of Asbury. Not like you wouldn't be able to figure that out... Ok I digress.


A~ Atmosphere. This is the first thing that attracted me to Asbury. To be honest, I didn't really want to go there... I was so set on Cedarville. Why? I'm honestly not sure. I had never been to the campus, but I had heard things about it that I got stuck in my head, and for those of you that know me, once something is there, it doesn't easily get forgotten. But as soon as I walked onto the campus as Asbury I felt welcomed. It was just that atmosphere of excitement and unity and wonderfulness all combined into one small college setting! It's so great :) All of the students interact with each other in a way that is uplifting and encouraging. I knew that I wanted to be part of a student body that did that. There also is just an atmosphere of almost... reverence. It is as if God is present everywhere on the campus. It's so neat! I was walking around on my way back from attending one of the music classes, and I heard just a group of students simply talking about their devotion. How neat is that?

S~ Spiritual emphasis. We were on our way down to Bristol, Tennessee for the first time. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly a happy camper. BUT. On the way down, we stopped at Asbury University on a Friday morning. They had chapel, therefore we attended. It was so wonderful. As you walk in, it's as if you can sense that most everyone there was there to worship. Now, I am not too nieve to believe that every single person on that campus is wanting an intimate relationship with Christ, but the majority of them are. That's what Asbury is about. Encouraging and enhancing their students lives towards the will and work of Christ! I cannot wait to start attending chapel 3 times a week.

B~ Beautiful campus. Yes, it is quite small. But that's really ok. Good things come in small packages, right? If you haven't visited Wilmore, Kentucky. Well... you are only missing one of the cutest, most quaint, adorable little towns in the United States. *News flash* Yes those words all came from me, "Miss City Girl." It truly is in a beautiful setting. Every season provides a fresh outlook on the campus!

U~ Unique. This really is a unique college and campus. How many places on this earth can you find a place where all of the faculty and staff are there to encourage you? And where you can find people who are willing and ready to come along side of you in whatever you need? And where you can fulfill your aspirations and dreams that have been there for SO long? And where you can be YOU? Asbury is definitely one of those places, at least, for me :) Now, granted, I realize that not everyone can go to Asbury. It's a shame really... :P But I do know that this is where God has called me to.

R~ Respected. I honestly do not think that I have heard anything less than wonderful things about Asbury. Every place has its issues (trust me, that's not lost to me!) but it seems as if Asbury fully relies on God's help and wisdom to guide them through, and to make 4 years of a students life as wonderful as if could possibly be! Also, another connotation for the word respected can go toward the teachers. Yes, there are those teachers that I have been told are "hard" or "difficult" but not once have I ever heard someone speak poorly about a teacher. All of the teachers deserve and RECEIVE the respect that they get. I cannot wait to meet all of these teachers that I have been hearing about! Nor can I wait to be surrounded by teachers that are rooting me on to be the person that God wants me to be! The elementary education professor that I have spoken with said something to me that I will never forget... "You are a very special young lady, Grace Ries." This was AFTER I probably stumbled over my words trying to express my love for children. They truly love us for who we are and who we aspire to be.

Y~ Youth oriented. I couldn't really think of any other "Y-words" but I think by just reading the first two words, you can guess where I am going with this one... Can you tell how much I love the fact that Asbury is so focused on the student and their aspirations for life? :) There are so many activities to get involved in, and to really feel a part of the campus. I so look forward to meeting all of those life-long friends that we always hear about! I look forward to worshiping with 1500+ other college students every week. I look forward to moving on in life and finally getting into something that I've had a passion for for years! I look forward to God using and stretching me in ways I didn't know possible.

I am looking forward to Asbury. :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Our Story... Our Life... Our Job...

1) What do you want to do with your life?

Teacher5.jpg     music.jpg    photo.php.jpg

This is a question that we (especially as seniors heading into the next stage of life) are asked quite often. Actually, I can't remember the last time that I met someone and that question was not asked in some semblance of order. Don't get me wrong- it's a great question. But how do we, I, answer it?

If you know me at all, you know that my passion lies with children. Thanks to Miss Braham and her willingness to influence my life even at the young at of 7, I am going to college to major in Elementary Education. 

So... my answer to the question? I want to teach children.
But recently missions has been on my heart. A lot. Ever since my second trip to Nicaragua I feel a longing to go back. So now maybe another part is being added onto that statement.
Maybe it is.. I want to teach children in a foreign country. Or... I want to teach children in a school setting then spend my summers doing missions work overseas. 

Honestly, I have no idea what God is going to do with me!

See there's another part of life that is not something I can easily forgo... Music. Ha. If that wasn't a big part in my life, well then I'd wonder about myself! Piano is something I do and LOVE. Singing is another way I love to minister.

So.... maybe ANOTHER addition to that statement. 
Maybe it's.. I want to teach children music in a foreign country. Or... I want to teach children music in a school setting and spend my summers doing missions work overseas. Or... I want to teach children in a school setting and do worship overseas.... Or... I want to teach children in a school setting, be active in a praise band at my local church, and do summer missions.


But you know what? God knows it all.

That question doesn't have to be answered perfectly, nor will it ever be. I can guarantee my dad, 15 years ago, didn't see his life going in the direction that it is now.

But you see... that's where the questioning stops... Louie Giglio pointed out another pertinent question though that needs to be asked.

2) What does God want to do with God's life?

If we are children of God, we are living for Him. It is practically His life. He was the one that made us. He formed us in His image. From the very beginning God wanted to bless us. (Genesis 12:1-3) 

God is on a mission to take the love, mercy, grace, and compassion of Jesus to everyone on this earth. love-cross.jpg

THIS is what God wants to do with His life. 
Is this what I want to do with mine? Does my wants line up to His will? There is a continuous thread running through the story of Christ. Am I part of that plan?

So in reality... my answer to the question of, "What do I want to do with my life?" is...

I WANT to be part of the plan that tells and furthers the mission of God.

We are called to be the best at whatever we want to be, but if we miss out on God's will... it's over. God has given us each unique talents, and for a reason, but they are only as effective as we use them for Christ.

Monday, July 18, 2011


This past week I had the wonderful opportunity to go to Beach Camp in Daytona Beach, Florida with Fellowship Chapel.
All I can say is... WOW.

What a powerful week!

Going into the week, I had a lot of apprehensions about it all. Despite the fact that I knew numerous people from the trip last year, I still was kinda the "new girl." And I knew I wasn't going to get my best friend all to myself. So I went down with an open mind and heart, and man does God take advantage of it!

photo.php.jpgTo start out... I was super upset I didn't have Nicole in my room. I didn't know a single girl in my room. AH. I know, I know... It sounds super pathetic, especially for those of you who know me! Turns out... it was the best thing that could have happened for me, and even for mine and Nicole's friendship! The 3 girls that I roomed with were perfectly in tune with one another. I love each one of them! We even had the priviiledge of having one of our girls come to know Christ- what is better than that?!? :) 

Then... Louie Giglio opened his mouth and this is what came out on the first night... 
"You cannot go through life basing your worth on what someone else says. We are a prized possession of God."
It was exactly what I needed to hear! 
Love and worth is something that people take for granted and expect in our world today... But it's just as easily forgotten and thrown away as if it is something that is temporary. God's love is never temporary. It lives on and on! And when we have the love of Christ in us is should lead to the feeling that fills us with giddiness! When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, EVERYONE will know. We need to be under the influence of Christ.

great.jpgSecond night of the conference rolls around and... BAM. The greatness of God 1) shrinks us down- I am just ONE person; 2) draws us into the idea that God knows us and is inviting us with Him in the middle of it.
I'm human. I'm going to mess up. I'm going to screw up. I'm going to have those times where I'm ridiculously self centered. I don't like it one bit. Neither does God. That was something I really was struck with... I need to work on it... alot. Then Louie also said something that struck me-- God's greatness does not depend on what we do. He has value because He is the originator of all. He doesn't need our worship. He WANTS it.

There is so much more that I learned, but I don't really want to overwhelm this with so many spiritual lessons! As the week goes on I hope to journal a little bit more and try to process through what I learned. It was so incredible to speak to my best friend today on the phone... It seems God always is using her to encourage me, and it's so neat to share in each other's experiences of God's greatness!

God works in wondrous ways. We just need to be open to Him. We are all human, yes I understand that. But that is no excuse for not living for God. God gave HIS Son for us, how can we not give our lives to Him? 

Am I...


"We live and breath to join in the symphony that is continuously praising and glorifying God." -Louie Giglio

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Someday my Prince will come... but I already have a King!

Late last night I was talking to my best friend... Yes, I happen to greatly love technology! Dating has, for some reason, become a topic with numerous friends. But part of the conversation with Lynnette turned into wishing that "someday our Prince will come."


That's something I tend to say without though, being the fairytale, Disney princess that I am! But she responded with something that I got me thinking...

"I think there is a bit of princess in all of us. I think He made us that way."
It's so true! He's the King of Kings, and since we're His children, it's fitting that we have a princess mentality. What better could we want?

I don't need some prince to give me the dreams that I desire (Though I won't lie... I kinda want one!), I have a God that is greater than any man is, and has already given me the desires of my heart! Psalm 37:4. Lately I've learned (and it isn't any new concept by any means, but it's still a lesson to be learn!) that in order for some guy to have a place in my "world", I have to be 100% content with God. God has to be number 1 in my life, and EVERYTHING must revolve around Him.

“As for God, his way is perfect: The LORD’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.” Psalm 18:30NIV

How well this verse describes what I'm trying to express. It's ironic how God leads us to passages that speak to us in a different way, but in the way that we need them.

As well as being Princesses of Christ though, I am also called to be a soldier of Christ. Last night I started a new Bible study with some of the older women at my church. It's the study called "Faithful, Abundant, True." by Kay Arthur, Priscilla Shirer, and Beth Moore. books.jpg

Last night, Kay Arthur spoke, and man I hope that I am that vibrant and on fire for God at the age of 76. She kept saying things last night though that have been taught to me all of my life, but I actually understand and comprehend now.

1. When I drawback, I miss the blessing from God.
          "We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn. In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's work all over a gain. You need milk, not solid food!... But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil." - Hebrews 5:11,12,14

Wow. Thats pretty powerful. I can't take myself away form the power and splendor of God without digressing greatly in my walk spiritually.

2. We are called to be soldiers of Christ, ready and PREPARED to face hardship.
                "He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had know, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord." -Deuteronomy 8:3

If you are on facebook, read my facebook status from today (Thurs. July 7) "Life isn't without its moments of sorrow and pain, but it's also not without its pleasantries and good. God has a plan in all of it!" God hasn't called us to be ninnies in the faith. Nor has He called us to be pretty-pretty princesses that freak out at a broken nail. No, He's called us to be soldiers.

Soldier_1.jpgWhat is a soldier? 
a definition on Webster's dictionary says that a soldier is one "to persist steadfastly, in one's work; perservere."

Soldier's lives aren't easy to say the least. They are constantly having to live in light of death. Am I willing to do this for what I believe is true, the Word of God?

Things may not always be going as planned... Hardships come. Life isn't the perfect fairy tale that we always want it to be, but God is with us all. The whole. entire. time. No doubt about it!

Let us begin in the journey of the "rest of faith." This involves bringing everything we believe and thing and aligning it with the accordance of God and living it. Another friend brought up the idea of being single as Paul states in Romans. If that's what God has, then I must fall align in God's PERFECT and PLEASING will.

There's still that little girl in me that hopes that someday... my prince will come :)
