Monday, July 18, 2011


This past week I had the wonderful opportunity to go to Beach Camp in Daytona Beach, Florida with Fellowship Chapel.
All I can say is... WOW.

What a powerful week!

Going into the week, I had a lot of apprehensions about it all. Despite the fact that I knew numerous people from the trip last year, I still was kinda the "new girl." And I knew I wasn't going to get my best friend all to myself. So I went down with an open mind and heart, and man does God take advantage of it!

photo.php.jpgTo start out... I was super upset I didn't have Nicole in my room. I didn't know a single girl in my room. AH. I know, I know... It sounds super pathetic, especially for those of you who know me! Turns out... it was the best thing that could have happened for me, and even for mine and Nicole's friendship! The 3 girls that I roomed with were perfectly in tune with one another. I love each one of them! We even had the priviiledge of having one of our girls come to know Christ- what is better than that?!? :) 

Then... Louie Giglio opened his mouth and this is what came out on the first night... 
"You cannot go through life basing your worth on what someone else says. We are a prized possession of God."
It was exactly what I needed to hear! 
Love and worth is something that people take for granted and expect in our world today... But it's just as easily forgotten and thrown away as if it is something that is temporary. God's love is never temporary. It lives on and on! And when we have the love of Christ in us is should lead to the feeling that fills us with giddiness! When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, EVERYONE will know. We need to be under the influence of Christ.

great.jpgSecond night of the conference rolls around and... BAM. The greatness of God 1) shrinks us down- I am just ONE person; 2) draws us into the idea that God knows us and is inviting us with Him in the middle of it.
I'm human. I'm going to mess up. I'm going to screw up. I'm going to have those times where I'm ridiculously self centered. I don't like it one bit. Neither does God. That was something I really was struck with... I need to work on it... alot. Then Louie also said something that struck me-- God's greatness does not depend on what we do. He has value because He is the originator of all. He doesn't need our worship. He WANTS it.

There is so much more that I learned, but I don't really want to overwhelm this with so many spiritual lessons! As the week goes on I hope to journal a little bit more and try to process through what I learned. It was so incredible to speak to my best friend today on the phone... It seems God always is using her to encourage me, and it's so neat to share in each other's experiences of God's greatness!

God works in wondrous ways. We just need to be open to Him. We are all human, yes I understand that. But that is no excuse for not living for God. God gave HIS Son for us, how can we not give our lives to Him? 

Am I...


"We live and breath to join in the symphony that is continuously praising and glorifying God." -Louie Giglio

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