Thursday, July 28, 2011

Friends... :)

This could be an interesting blog...

1) Because I really didn't know what to blog about...

2) Since I decided on friends, numerous people will probably end up being mentioned only because if I leave one out... well the results could be catastrophic.

3) I'm extremely tired. And if you know me, me + tired= a funny combination. (Good times on those all-nighters!)

Anywho... to get on with my actual blog :)

What is a friend?  photo.php.jpg
According to Webster's Dictionary it is 1. one attached to another by affection or esteem. 2. one that is not hostile, 3. a favored companion.

Now if we were to go by the second definition, well then... most everyone that I meet would be a friend! But I think in our society today, "friend" is an overrated and overused term. Don't get me wrong, I see absolutely nothing wrong with calling people who are newer acquaintances friends, but... what would you call someone you've known for 10+ years? A friend?

It seems as though it just has a very vague definition.

To me, a friend is someone who knows the TRUE you and loves you anyways. They look past the little quirks and take the time to get to know you. They want to be around you because of their affection for you. They take a liking to you because YOU are a friend to them.

Now by that definition, the list tends to get a tad bit smaller... There are those people that I could call "friends" but in all reality... I hardly know them. Yes, we share seldom conversations over facebook... Yes, we like the same music... Yes, we have mutual friends... But does that really qualify a friendship?

I feel like friends have also become overrated through the wonderfulness of Facebook. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of facebook. But is it really necessary to request people that you DON'T KNOW nor will you EVER know? Yes I know it's way cool to have 500+ friends. But how many of them do you really know?

While visiting Indiana this past May, I was staying with my Aunt Julie. And we were talking about that, and because of our conversation I went through a lot of my "friends." If I didn't really know them, nor talk to them, then why have them in a place where they can access all this information about me? If I'm not checking their pages daily, or even weekly, chances are they aren't doing the same for me.

But I digress...

Lately my mom and I have been talking about "true friends." She said that if by the end of my life I am able to count on one hand the number of "true friends" that I have, I will be extremely blessed. And I've realized... She's right. (Go figure... She's my mom, she ALWAYS is right!) Oh I'll have numerous friends, but those that know the, for lack of a better word, more 'intimate' side of me, those will be few.

Honestly? I don't know where I'm going with this... Haha I'm just kinda typing my thoughts as they come to me, and if they don't make sense, I apologize.

Back to being a true friend...
I think I would consider a true friend to be one that ...
1) encourages me on a daily basis in my walk with Christ. That will be first and foremost in the friendship. If a friendship is built on anything less, the chances of it surviving or going anywhere are slim to none. Christ has told us that He is our firm foundation, why make a friendship on anything else?
2) is willing to "hurt" me in order to make me be a better person. Now this might take explaining... I'm not talking about the petty hurt of, "Girl, you need to break up with him because he totally isn't in to you." No, I'm refering to more character building. Those things that we can become blind to in our own life, that other people can observe. THOSE are the things that need to be pointed out in order to further our own maturity.
3) is just able to have a good time. Yes, we have to uber serious, late night discussions, but it's also super easy to have a great time! Just being ourselves... No pretenses, no need to be a certain way...

Truthfully, I am thankful for all of the people in my life. At this point, I still have so much ahead of me, and the friends that I do have all offer a different kind of encouragement that I've needed. I look forward to making more of those life-long, true friends at Asbury! But I do know for a fact, that even at this point in life I have make some of those true, life-long friends.

To be have friends... means that I must also be a friend. I admit, I have numerous faults that are evident in my life and probably make me not the most pleasant person to be around all the time. But I'm going to continue working on that. God refines and chips away at us, until He has made us into the jewel that He intended from the start! That is a promise that I cling to.

So... all in all... I just want to thank my friends (specifically those that just endured this whole thing...) for your love, encouragement, and friendship in general. This year would have been so much more difficult had I not made the effort to have those close friendships before I left. All of my friends are incredible. I love each and everyone of them so much. And I know God has richly blessed me with them :)

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