Sunday, July 24, 2011


So... I'm kinda at a loss of what to do.
Therefore, I decided to blog...
And to make it interesting, and to answer many of the questions I've been receiving these days, I'm going to blog about my college. But in a different way. I think I'm going to make it an acronym out of Asbury. Not like you wouldn't be able to figure that out... Ok I digress.


A~ Atmosphere. This is the first thing that attracted me to Asbury. To be honest, I didn't really want to go there... I was so set on Cedarville. Why? I'm honestly not sure. I had never been to the campus, but I had heard things about it that I got stuck in my head, and for those of you that know me, once something is there, it doesn't easily get forgotten. But as soon as I walked onto the campus as Asbury I felt welcomed. It was just that atmosphere of excitement and unity and wonderfulness all combined into one small college setting! It's so great :) All of the students interact with each other in a way that is uplifting and encouraging. I knew that I wanted to be part of a student body that did that. There also is just an atmosphere of almost... reverence. It is as if God is present everywhere on the campus. It's so neat! I was walking around on my way back from attending one of the music classes, and I heard just a group of students simply talking about their devotion. How neat is that?

S~ Spiritual emphasis. We were on our way down to Bristol, Tennessee for the first time. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly a happy camper. BUT. On the way down, we stopped at Asbury University on a Friday morning. They had chapel, therefore we attended. It was so wonderful. As you walk in, it's as if you can sense that most everyone there was there to worship. Now, I am not too nieve to believe that every single person on that campus is wanting an intimate relationship with Christ, but the majority of them are. That's what Asbury is about. Encouraging and enhancing their students lives towards the will and work of Christ! I cannot wait to start attending chapel 3 times a week.

B~ Beautiful campus. Yes, it is quite small. But that's really ok. Good things come in small packages, right? If you haven't visited Wilmore, Kentucky. Well... you are only missing one of the cutest, most quaint, adorable little towns in the United States. *News flash* Yes those words all came from me, "Miss City Girl." It truly is in a beautiful setting. Every season provides a fresh outlook on the campus!

U~ Unique. This really is a unique college and campus. How many places on this earth can you find a place where all of the faculty and staff are there to encourage you? And where you can find people who are willing and ready to come along side of you in whatever you need? And where you can fulfill your aspirations and dreams that have been there for SO long? And where you can be YOU? Asbury is definitely one of those places, at least, for me :) Now, granted, I realize that not everyone can go to Asbury. It's a shame really... :P But I do know that this is where God has called me to.

R~ Respected. I honestly do not think that I have heard anything less than wonderful things about Asbury. Every place has its issues (trust me, that's not lost to me!) but it seems as if Asbury fully relies on God's help and wisdom to guide them through, and to make 4 years of a students life as wonderful as if could possibly be! Also, another connotation for the word respected can go toward the teachers. Yes, there are those teachers that I have been told are "hard" or "difficult" but not once have I ever heard someone speak poorly about a teacher. All of the teachers deserve and RECEIVE the respect that they get. I cannot wait to meet all of these teachers that I have been hearing about! Nor can I wait to be surrounded by teachers that are rooting me on to be the person that God wants me to be! The elementary education professor that I have spoken with said something to me that I will never forget... "You are a very special young lady, Grace Ries." This was AFTER I probably stumbled over my words trying to express my love for children. They truly love us for who we are and who we aspire to be.

Y~ Youth oriented. I couldn't really think of any other "Y-words" but I think by just reading the first two words, you can guess where I am going with this one... Can you tell how much I love the fact that Asbury is so focused on the student and their aspirations for life? :) There are so many activities to get involved in, and to really feel a part of the campus. I so look forward to meeting all of those life-long friends that we always hear about! I look forward to worshiping with 1500+ other college students every week. I look forward to moving on in life and finally getting into something that I've had a passion for for years! I look forward to God using and stretching me in ways I didn't know possible.

I am looking forward to Asbury. :)

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