Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Our Story... Our Life... Our Job...

1) What do you want to do with your life?

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This is a question that we (especially as seniors heading into the next stage of life) are asked quite often. Actually, I can't remember the last time that I met someone and that question was not asked in some semblance of order. Don't get me wrong- it's a great question. But how do we, I, answer it?

If you know me at all, you know that my passion lies with children. Thanks to Miss Braham and her willingness to influence my life even at the young at of 7, I am going to college to major in Elementary Education. 

So... my answer to the question? I want to teach children.
But recently missions has been on my heart. A lot. Ever since my second trip to Nicaragua I feel a longing to go back. So now maybe another part is being added onto that statement.
Maybe it is.. I want to teach children in a foreign country. Or... I want to teach children in a school setting then spend my summers doing missions work overseas. 

Honestly, I have no idea what God is going to do with me!

See there's another part of life that is not something I can easily forgo... Music. Ha. If that wasn't a big part in my life, well then I'd wonder about myself! Piano is something I do and LOVE. Singing is another way I love to minister.

So.... maybe ANOTHER addition to that statement. 
Maybe it's.. I want to teach children music in a foreign country. Or... I want to teach children music in a school setting and spend my summers doing missions work overseas. Or... I want to teach children in a school setting and do worship overseas.... Or... I want to teach children in a school setting, be active in a praise band at my local church, and do summer missions.


But you know what? God knows it all.

That question doesn't have to be answered perfectly, nor will it ever be. I can guarantee my dad, 15 years ago, didn't see his life going in the direction that it is now.

But you see... that's where the questioning stops... Louie Giglio pointed out another pertinent question though that needs to be asked.

2) What does God want to do with God's life?

If we are children of God, we are living for Him. It is practically His life. He was the one that made us. He formed us in His image. From the very beginning God wanted to bless us. (Genesis 12:1-3) 

God is on a mission to take the love, mercy, grace, and compassion of Jesus to everyone on this earth. love-cross.jpg

THIS is what God wants to do with His life. 
Is this what I want to do with mine? Does my wants line up to His will? There is a continuous thread running through the story of Christ. Am I part of that plan?

So in reality... my answer to the question of, "What do I want to do with my life?" is...

I WANT to be part of the plan that tells and furthers the mission of God.

We are called to be the best at whatever we want to be, but if we miss out on God's will... it's over. God has given us each unique talents, and for a reason, but they are only as effective as we use them for Christ.

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